Management Information System (MIS) and Financial Accounting System (FAS)



REPORT TO: Gary Fielding, Corporate Director, Strategic Resources


DECISION DATE: 27th June 2022  


SUPPORTING ANNEX; This report includes a supporting Annex which contains exempt information as described in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




It is recommended that the Authority carry out a new procurement process to put a MIS & FAS framework in place to start when the existing one expires at the end of March 2023; the preferred model of delivery is a 4 year multiple lot and multiple supplier framework from which Schools and Academies will be able to run mini competitions at pre-determined rates.




NYES Digital (previously known as Schools ICT) is a fully traded commercial service within the Authority, set up to support all aspects of ICT in schools with services such as installations, development, web services, training, management information systems, broadband, email, internet filtering, specialist ICT staff in schools to work alongside their staff, and procurement frameworks.  Customers can purchase services at a number of levels, both on a contractual and ad-hoc basis.  The service views these systems as part of their portfolio when offering schools a service that encompasses all of their ICT needs.


In 2016 NYCC procured a framework agreement for the provision of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Financial Accounting Systems (FAS).  The framework is available for schools, local authorities, academies and multi-academy trusts in England and Wales. This framework has serviced the following sectors: nursery, primary, secondary and pupil referral units. This framework is due to expire 31/03/2023 and we have explored options for a re-procurement.






This is a compliant route to market and complies with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.




It is recommended that the Authority carry out a new procurement process to put a MIS & FAS framework in place to start when the existing one expires at the end of March 2023; the preferred model of delivery is a 4 year multiple lot and multiple supplier framework from which Schools and Academies will be able to run mini competitions at pre-determined rates.